Colorectal Cancer Screening

An illustration of colon cancer inside the large instestine

Colorectal cancer is a disease in which cancer cells form in the tissues of the colon or the rectum. In recent years, the number of new colorectal cancer cases in the United States decreased slightly per year in patients aged 50 years and older, but increased slightly per year in patients younger than 50 years.

With regular screening, it is possible to prevent most colorectal cancer from developing. Screening can also detect this cancer in its early stages, when the chance of successful treatment is high.

Screening Recommendations

The choice of when and how to be screened is a shared decision between a health-care provider and patient, based on personal and family health history and other risk factors.

For people at average risk of colorectal cancer, the American Cancer Society recommends:

  • Based on personal preferences and test availability, adults ages 45 years and older undergo regular screening with either a:
    • High-sensitivity stool-based test or
    • Structural (visual) exam (such as a colonoscopy)

Recommendations differ for people at high risk. Read the full guidance from the American Cancer Society.

Please note: Other cancer-related organizations may have different screening recommendations. All recommendations change based on new research evidence.

Patient Navigation to Colorectal Cancer Screening

The Ralph Lauren Center provides individual navigation services to assist individuals who need colorectal cancer screening. Screening is provided through MedStar Health. The RLC’s patient navigators assist patients regardless of insurance or ability to pay and continue to navigate patients through follow-up care. All services provided by the RLC are also offered in Spanish by our bilingual navigators.

Please call our patient navigators to schedule your screening and navigation services appointment at 202-784-2720. (Se habla español: 202-784-2705.)

More Information on Colorectal Cancer and Screening